The year of manufacture or the age of Luxaire Furnace can be identified from their serial number. This serial number is located on the rating plate sticker attached to the inside of your furnace unit. If you have a Luxaire HVAC units installed in your home, use this guide to determined your furnace age.
The Luxaire serial number is a ten digit code that helps us identify the time the furnace was manufactured. It is also required to register your unit in order to get advantage of warranty.

Luxaire Serial Number Nomenclature
Luxaire brand is part of York. They used similar style of serial number. How to read Luxaire serial number is the same as how to read York serial number. Unless you have a Luxaire furnace unit that is over 30 years old (or older), the way to decode old Luxaire serial numbers will be slightly different.
Luxaire serial number is formatted in 10 character code serial number. Begins with one letter followed by one numerical, then another one letter and ends with 7 numerical digits. This serial number styles are used from October 2004 to the present.
The Age of Luxaire Furnace can be determined by decoding the 2nd-4th digits serial number. Year of manufacture is 2nd and 4th number. You need to combined these 2 digits to get the year of manufacture. If the 2nd digit is “1” and the 4th digit is “9” the Luxaire furnace is produced in 2019.
Month of manufacture is decoded in the letter in 3nd character. Use the below table to decode the 3rd letter of Luxaire furnace serial number.
Letter | Month | Letter | Month |
A | January | G | July |
B | February | H | August |
C | March | K | September |
D | April | L | October |
E | May | M | November |
F | June | N | December |
How to Read Luxaire Serial Number
Serial number example and how to decode:
- Serial number #W1D9001299
W is Plant ID
1 and 9 is production year
D is production month
The rest of the number is sequenced number
The old serial and model number system, that was used until October 2004, formatted in sequence of four letters followed by six digit numbers. The second and third letter of serial number indicates the age of Luxaire furnace.
Use the below table to decode the 3rd letter of serial number.
Letter | Year | Letter | Year |
A | 1971 1992 | M | 1982 2003 |
B | 1972 1993 | N | 1983 2004 |
C | 1973 1994 | P | 1984 |
D | 1974 1995 | R | 1985 |
E | 1975 1996 | S | 1986 |
F | 1976 1997 | T | 1987 |
G | 1977 1998 | V | 1988 |
H | 1978 1999 | W | 1989 |
J | 1979 2000 | X | 1990 |
K | 1980 2001 | Y | 1991 |
L | 1981 2002 |
Serial number example and how to decode:
- Serial number #ECBM079879
E is Point of manufacture
C is Month Assembled; March
B is Year Assembled; 1972 or 1993 (The letter in Luxaire serial number is repeated every 21 years. The use of dates from government regulation can be useful in determining the age of Furnace. This usually printed in the bottom of the sticker plate.)
Last 6 digits is Sequence Number
There are another styles of Luxaire serial number, for example #87400112 (eight digits numerical number). Then the year of manufacture is in the 1st and 2nd digits of the serial number.
Determining the age of your HVAC unit is important to have if your unit is starting to experience more problems. You may figure out if it’s too old and decide if it is best to repair or replace it.
If you have any issues with finding your Luxaire serial number and how to decode it, don’t hesitate to contact us. If your Luxaire furnace unit is nearing the end of its lifespan, find trust HVAC contractor to give you some quotes.