How to Fix Delayed Ignition on Gas Furnace

Posted by: Mas Broto
How to Fix Delayed Ignition on Gas Furnace

Delayed ignition occurs when gas builds up in your furnace’s combustion chamber, resulting in a small explosion that can produce a loud bang or boom. It can be both inconvenient and potentially dangerous. We’ll explore the causes of delayed ignition on gas furnaces, the potential dangers of this problem, and, most importantly, how to fix it.

What Causes Delayed Ignition on Gas Furnaces?

Several factors can contribute to delayed ignition on a gas furnace, including:

  • Moisture buildup: Moisture can accumulate in your furnace’s combustion chamber, causing rust to form on the burner and ignition components. This can cause a delay in the ignition process, leading to gas buildup.
  • Sulfur buildup: If your home’s gas supply contains high levels of sulfur, it can accumulate in the combustion chamber over time. The sulfur reacts with the metal surfaces of the furnace and creates a barrier that can prevent ignition.
  • Dust and lint: The accumulation of dust and lint in the combustion chamber can interfere with the proper gas flow.
  • Ignition issues: Problems with the ignition system can also cause delayed ignition. Faulty igniters, dirty or clogged pilot lights, or malfunctioning flame sensors can contribute to this problem.
  • Burner issues: A clogged or dirty burner can interfere with the proper gas flow, leading to a delay in ignition.

What is the Danger of Delayed Ignition?

Delayed ignition can be dangerous, as it can cause a small explosion within your furnace’s combustion chamber. This can produce a loud bang or boom, startling and potentially dangerous for homeowners.

In addition, it also can damage the furnace system, causing components to wear out more quickly and potentially leading to more expensive repairs down the line. It’s important to address delayed ignition as soon as possible to ensure the safety of your home and family.

How to Prevent Delayed Ignition on a Gas Furnace

While delayed ignition can be a serious problem, there are several steps you can take to prevent it from occurring in the first place. These include:

1. Cleaning the pilot or igniter

If your furnace has a standing pilot light or a hot surface igniter, keeping it clean and free of debris is important. Dust and dirt can accumulate on these components over time, interfering with ignition and potentially leading to delayed ignition. Use a soft-bristled brush or compressed air to regularly clean the pilot or igniter.

2. Cleaning the flame sensors

The flame sensor is a component that detects the presence of a flame within the combustion chamber. Over time, the sensor can become dirty or coated with residue, interfering with its ability to detect the flame. To clean the flame sensor, gently remove it from the furnace and use a soft cloth to wipe away any dirt or debris.

3. Cleaning the surfaces

The surfaces of your furnace, including the burners and the combustion chamber, can become coated with dirt, dust, and other debris over time. This can interfere with the proper gas flow, leading to delayed ignition. Use a soft-bristled brush or compressed air to clean these surfaces regularly.

4. Cleaning the blower

The blower is responsible for circulating warm air throughout your home. Over time, the blower motor can become clogged with dust and other debris, interfering with its functioning ability. To clean the blower, turn off the power to your furnace and remove the blower housing. Use a soft brush or compressed air to remove dust or debris from the blower blades and motor.

5. Lubricating components

The moving components of your furnace, including the blower motor and fan, should be lubricated regularly to ensure proper operation. Consult your furnace manual for instructions on how to properly lubricate these components.

6. Replacing the filter

The filter in your furnace helps to remove dirt, dust, and other debris from the air before it is heated and circulated throughout your home. Over time, the filter can become clogged, reducing the airflow and potentially leading to delayed ignition. Replace the filter in your furnace regularly to ensure proper airflow and prevent delayed ignition.

If you’re unsure about how to diagnose or repair the problem, or if you’re uncomfortable working with gas or electricity, contact a professional to have the problem diagnosed and repaired.

Delayed ignition on a gas furnace can be a serious problem, potentially leading to loud bangs and dangerous for homeowners. However, with proper maintenance and care, you can prevent the issues from occurring in the first place. If you do experience delayed ignition, it’s important to immediately diagnose and repair the problem to ensure the safety of your home and family.

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Mas Broto

Have been in the heating and air conditioning (HVAC) industry for over 20 years. He is person that will grow and thrive to learn more about the HVAC industry throughout his career. Mas Broto is also a blogger, who's dedicated to bringing you the best knowledge to get ahead in the game of life.

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