Trane XE 1000 Fan Motor Problem (Solved)

Posted by: Mas Broto
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Trane xe1000 Fan Motor

Trane XE 1000 Fan Motor Problem (Solved) – The fan on the outside trane xe1000 unit is making a terrible squealing noise when running (otherwise everything working fine cools/heats house like always). Sometimes it will stop after about 2 minutes but starting yesterday it will not stop the noise. It happened about 3 months ago as well but I took the top off turned it upside down and was able to get some grease on the shaft and it stopped it for about 3 months. I have been reading some of the posts on here and have seen some that replace the trane xe1000 fan motor.

My question is because of the age of the trane unit would it be wise to replace the fan and then start saving for a new unit since it seems that I can get a new fan for around or just under $200. Any thoughts, suggestions, and/or advice about how to troubleshoot trane xe1000 is welcome.

Trane XE1000 Fan Motor Problem

Trane XE1000 Outside Fan Not Working How to Solve it? I have a 10 year old trane xe1000 unit and I heard a humming noise outside this morning . The compressor fan was trying to spin but was binding up. When I turned the unit off, and opened the unit to check the fan motor it turned freely. When it is powered back up, the Trane XE1000 Outside Fan is binding and will not turn.

Try with the unit calling to run . Give the Trane XE1000 Outside Fan a push to start. If it takes off and runs get a new capacitor for it . If not and it does get 220V to it . Id say time for a new motor. make sure you get the same Hp and RPM also that it turns the same way CW or CCW.

When a motor does that it has too much end play meaning one of the bearings has worn on the inside allowing the rotor to move too close to the front plate you will need to replace when you get a new one make sure to take the old one off and get a replacement that has the same characteristics all the info is listed on the data plate and any good supply house should be able to match you up.

If they sell you a universal one the wiring diagrams will walk you through the retrofit they will give you options for a three wire or four wire aplication and you can choose rotation and make sure to get a new trane xe1000 capacitor.

I think you have it right..though a bad fan may not mean you will be needing a new system anytime soon. It is 14 y/o, but a well maintained system may last much longer than that. A new, properly installed and sized system would probably be more efficient and save some money on utilities. No Pro, so don’t know about your system in detail, but I’d keep checking around on the motor. Unless its some sort of proprietary thing, it should be more like $70-100. At least I saw other posts that indicated that…I could be way off. I’m more familiar with A/C’s and furnaces.

i’d go with a new fan motor if your going to do it yourself with an exact replacement.give the blade hub and shaft a good soaking for now…one to prep the fan blade for removal and……two some will run down the shaft into the bearing and keep the noise down.get the info off the motro sticker and you can match it probably at Grainger Industrial Supply they welcome home owners.

Hmmm..if you had just replaced the cap…I’d say no thats wrong…but since you replaced the motor..I presume they gave you the right one. Do you have another cap for the compressor? Why I ask is..some are dual caps..and work for both fan motor and comp. As to the slightly larger motor..if the speed is the’s not a huge issue…might draw a tiny bit more power when running, but as long as the speed is correct.. shouldn’t affect anything. It also depends on if everything was original..with just a cap replacement, you can go higher in voltage but the farads rating should stay the same. Since you got a new motor..I presume it had specs for the cap.

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Mas Broto

Have been in the heating and air conditioning (HVAC) industry for over 20 years. He is person that will grow and thrive to learn more about the HVAC industry throughout his career. Mas Broto is also a blogger, who's dedicated to bringing you the best knowledge to get ahead in the game of life.

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