How to Determine The Age Of Heil HVAC From Serial Number

Posted by: Mas Broto
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How to Determine The Age Of Heil HVAC From Serial Number

It can be challenging to tell the age of Heil HVAC by looking at the serial number. Each Heil unit has a data tag that contains essential information, including the year of the manufacturer. Today, we will guide you on identifying the Heil HVAC age from the serial number.

How to Decode Heil Serial Number

Heil serial numbers are printed on the unit’s rating plate, usually located on the outside of the unit. In the early 1990s, serial numbers started with a single letter and then a string of numbers. To determine the date of manufacture of a Heil furnace and/or air conditioner, use the first four numbers. The first two numbers represent the year, and the 3rd and 4th numbers represent the week of manufacture.

Example of Heil furnace serial number:

Serial Number #L954124421
95 = year
41 = week

The serial number provided in the sample above aided the Heil furnace was manufactured in the 41st week of 1995.

Example of Heil air conditioner serial number:

Serial Number #E120614528
12 = year
06 = week

The serial number provided in the sample above aided the Heil air conditioner was manufactured in the 6th week of 2012.

Example of Heil serial number units produced in 1980 – 1989:

Serial Number #H51139301
H = 1980's (decade of the manufacture)
5 = 1985 (year of the manufacture)

The Heil HVAC is a Carrier Corporation company, and their units are produced by International Comfort Products. You may find similar serial number formats between Heil and Carrier. Identifying the age of a Heil furnace and air conditioner is almost the same as the process of identifying a Carrier.

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Mas Broto

Have been in the heating and air conditioning (HVAC) industry for over 20 years. He is person that will grow and thrive to learn more about the HVAC industry throughout his career. Mas Broto is also a blogger, who's dedicated to bringing you the best knowledge to get ahead in the game of life.

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