Heat Pump Troubleshooting Chart

Posted by: Mas Broto
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Heat Pump Troubleshooting Chart

Heat Pump is being popularly used in houses and other places to provide solution to heating and cooling the area. It is central air-conditioner which has heating solution as well. It heats the air inside the area by collecting heat from the air that is present outside the house. Caring for heat pump is similar to that of air-conditioner with some changes that are specific to heat pump. Heat Pump troubleshooting chart can help you in smoothly and efficiently using it.

This heat pump troubleshooting chart is going to help you in analysing what problem is there and how you can tackle that. This chart can be used for air conditioner as well.

Please note that these heat pump troubleshooting is just rough guidelines, and not all possible situations are covered. Your heat pump and entire HVAC system should be inspected and maintenance by a professional HVAC technician.

Most Common Heat Pump Problems

Understand these most common heat pump problems to see what to do to get your system running smoothly. However, if you need help, remember that it’s always a good idea to contact an HVAC professional for troubleshoot the problems with your heat pump and make the repair and maintenance if needed.

Heat Pump doesn’t Turn On

This can be due to various reasons such as:

  • If the setting of thermostat is not correct. When used for heating purpose heat should be chosen and temperature needs to be higher than the room temperature. For cooling it should be set at cool, and the temperature should be lower than the room temperature. If the setting is correct and you still see some discrepancy call the technician.
  • See that the breaker is switched on, check the entire connections main and sub panels. It may be required to reset the breaker.
  • There could be some problem with the wiring. Check that there are no damaged wiring, if so replace them and contact the technician as soon as possible and turn off the main unit.

Heat Pump is Not Heating despite being On

Reasons due to which this can happen are:

  • If Indoor coil is dirty, clean it and if necessary contact the clean-up service
  • Filter has to be cleaned and checked every 30 days, if using reusable air filter clean it regularly or else use disposable filter.
  • Indoor fan could be the reason. The drive belt of blower could be loose and slipping, get it tightened and clean the fan.
  • Leakage in suction reversing valves or discharge valves.
  • Non-condensable are present in the unit, get it checked by a technician.
  • Your refrigerant could be low. It happens because of leakage somewhere, get the unit checked.

Evaporator Coil has Frost On it

Reasons for this could be:

  • The air filter is dirty, clean it regularly or use disposable filter.
  • Coil fins are bent. You can correct them using the fin comb.
  • Fan problem
  • If thermostat is not functioning properly then replace it.
  • Coil is dirty and needs cleaning.

Liquid leaking from Unit

Reasons for this can be:

  • Check the condensate hole and line and clean it if clogged.
  • Drain pan is clogged, get it cleaned.
  • Leakage of refrigerant, if so get the unit checked and repair the leakage.
  • Piping and valves in bad condition, ensure nothing is damaged or leaking.

This heat pump troubleshooting chart is going to help you out in checking whether there is any trouble in your heat pump unit and if so can you tackle it. Never try to fix something you are not sure of because it only cause more damage. You should call HVAC technicians to diagnose the problem in detail and propose solutions.

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Mas Broto

Have been in the heating and air conditioning (HVAC) industry for over 20 years. He is person that will grow and thrive to learn more about the HVAC industry throughout his career. Mas Broto is also a blogger, who's dedicated to bringing you the best knowledge to get ahead in the game of life.

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