Solving Uneven Heating On Different Floors

Posted by: Mas Broto
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Solving Uneven Heating On Different Floors

Have you noticed that your home is warmer downstairs and cooler upstairs, or vice versa? This can be a common problem for those with homes that have multiple floors. During these cooler months, you shouldn’t have to go to bed upstairs in your winter coat. Here are some ways you can solve uneven heating on different floors.

Airflow is restricted

A common problem of uneven heating on different floors is the restricted airflow between the furnace and the register. Something as simple as a dirty air filter can cause this problem. Cleaning or changing the air filter should increase the airflow. If your filter is clean, check to make sure the thermostat fan is turned on. This will allow the air to circulate more evenly throughout your entire house.

Zoning system

If you have one thermostat in your home, it is reading the temperature of the room it is in. Once the room reaches the desired temperature, regardless of what the temperature is in the rest of the house, the heating system turns off. Consider installing a thermostat on each floor. This zoning system will allow you to not only control the temperature on each floor but make sure each floor reaches the desired temperature.

Leaky ductwork

If the ductwork is not the proper size or has not been sealed correctly, it will let cold air in, which will affect the temperature of your home. This can easily be fixed by having the duct replaced or re-sealed. Once your ductwork is working properly, the air in your home should circulate more efficiently.

Attic insulation

When the upstairs of your home is unusually cold, no matter how much you turn up the heat, the problem could be that your attic does not have enough insulation. The purpose of insulation is to block heat flow. During the winter, it will keep the warm air from escaping through the roof. If you’re not sure if your attic needs more insulation, look to see if you can see the attic’s floor joists. If you are able to see the joists, then your attic needs more insulation.

Switch the Fan from Auto to ON

Most of the time, the fan is set in Auto Mode. This makes the fan run when the heating or cooling system is ON, but it doesn’t run at other times. When you switch it to ON, the fan will keep moving air through the house. This can help make the temperature in the whole house more even. Keep in mind that running the fan will slightly raise your electric bill.

Uneven heating on different floors is usually a sign that something is wrong with your HVAC system. You can try out some of the above ideas on your own. If everything else fails, you might decide that it’s time to get a new system. If your furnace is more than 15 years old, it may not work as well as it used to and cause more problems than it’s worth.

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Mas Broto

Have been in the heating and air conditioning (HVAC) industry for over 20 years. He is person that will grow and thrive to learn more about the HVAC industry throughout his career. Mas Broto is also a blogger, who's dedicated to bringing you the best knowledge to get ahead in the game of life.

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