Best Air Conditioner Coil Cleaners for 2023

Posted by: Mas Broto
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Best Air Conditioner Coil Cleaners for 2023

Air conditioners are indispensable for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment, especially during the hot summer. However, like other appliances, they require regular maintenance to function optimally. One crucial part of this maintenance is cleaning the coils using a specialized air conditioner coil cleaner.

These specialized cleaning solutions are formulated to effectively break down and remove the accumulated dirt and debris on the coils without causing any damage. A clean coil ensures efficient heat transfer, which, in turn, enhances the air conditioner’s performance, prolongs its lifespan, and contributes to energy savings.

Moreover, regular coil cleaning can also prevent unpleasant odors and improve the overall air quality in your house. We will explore the top picks of coil cleaners for 2023, delve into detailed reviews, and provide insights into selecting the right product for your needs.

Our Top Picks for Air Conditioner Coil Cleaner 2023

With many products in the market, choosing the right coil cleaner can be daunting. However, fret not! We have done the legwork and identified the top picks for 2023:

Nu-Coil Air Conditioner Condenser Coil Cleaner

Nu-Coil Air Conditioner Condenser Coil Cleaner

This product comes in a one-gallon package and is renowned for its high-foaming concentrated liquid. It’s ideal for outdoor units and requires 10 minutes to work magic. The foam formed seeps into the coils, lifting off the grease, grime, and muck embedded between the aluminum fins without the need to remove the coils. It’s an alkaline-based cleaner manufactured in the USA and can be safely used for indoor coils. The cleaner should be diluted in a ratio of 3 parts of the liquid for every 10 parts of water or according to the amount of foam and your cleaning needs. Though rinsing is not mandatory, a light rinse is recommended to remove any additional particles that might remain after normal condensation​​.

Nu-Calgon Evaporator Power

Nu-Calgon Evaporator Power

Nu-Calgon Evaporator Power is a “no-rinse” cleaner formulated to clean indoor evaporator coils. This green-colored, slightly alkaline liquid is metal-safe. It will not harm the coil’s metal surfaces even in a no-rinse application. It comes in a one-gallon package and has received positive reviews for its effectiveness in cleaning and improving heat transfer, increasing system capacity, and reducing head pressure. It has a rating of 4.5 out of 5 on Amazon, indicating high customer satisfaction​​.

Who Needs Air Conditioner Coil Cleaner?

Whether you are a homeowner looking to extend the life of your air conditioning unit or an HVAC professional responsible for maintaining multiple units, a high-quality air conditioner coil cleaner is a must-have. It not only ensures the efficient operation of the AC unit but also significantly reduces the electricity bills.

How to Choose the Right Air Conditioner Coil Cleaner

When choosing the right coil cleaner, consider the type of AC unit you have, the level of cleaning required, and the cleaner’s ease of use. It’s also crucial to check the product’s compatibility with your AC unit to avoid any potential damage.

How to Use Air Conditioner Coil Cleaner

Maintaining your air conditioner’s coils is pivotal to ensuring the unit runs efficiently and lasts for its intended lifespan. Utilizing a coil cleaner can significantly aid in this maintenance routine. However, it’s not merely about spraying a cleaner and calling it a day; there are steps to follow and safety measures to adhere to. Here, we delve deeper into using an air conditioner coil cleaner.

Step 1: Understand Your Air Conditioner

Before you start, it’s crucial to understand the type of air conditioner you have and the specifics of its coils. This will guide you in selecting the right coil cleaner and following the correct cleaning procedure. Familiarize yourself with the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding maintenance, which should be found in the user manual.

Step 2: Select the Right Coil Cleaner

As discussed earlier in this article, different types of coil cleaners are available in the market. Your choice of cleaner should align with the specifications of your air conditioner. For instance, some cleaners are meant for evaporator coils, while others are formulated for condenser coils.

Step 3: Power Off Your Air Conditioner

Safety should always be the priority. Ensure you switch off your air conditioner at the thermostat and the breaker to prevent electrical mishaps.

Step 4: Access the Coils

Depending on your unit, you might need to remove some panels or covers to access the coils. Use a screwdriver or other necessary tools to carefully remove any barriers to the coils.

Step 5: Dust Off Loose Debris

Before applying the coil cleaner, use a soft brush to gently remove any loose dust or debris from the coils. This will make the cleaner more effective.

Step 6: Apply the Coil Cleaner

Follow the instructions on the coil cleaner product for the proper application. Some cleaners require dilution, while others are ready to use. Spray the cleaner onto the coils, ensuring good coverage.

Step 7: Let the Cleaner Sit

Allow the cleaner to sit and work on the coils for the time specified in the product instructions. This could range from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the product.

Step 8: Rinse (If Required)

Some coil cleaners require rinsing, while others are no-rinse formulas. If rinsing is required, use a gentle stream of water to rinse off the cleaner from the coils.

Step 9: Replace Covers and Panels

Once the coils are clean and dry, replace any covers or panels you removed earlier.

Step 10: Power On Your Air Conditioner

Turn the power back on at the breaker and the thermostat. Check to ensure your air conditioner is operating properly.

Safety Precautions:

  • Eye Protection: Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from any splashes.
  • Gloves: Wear gloves to protect your hands from the chemicals in the coil cleaner.
  • Ventilation: Ensure the area is well-ventilated, especially when cleaning indoor coils.
  • Follow Instructions: Adhering to the product and manufacturer instructions is crucial to avoid damage to your air conditioner or personal injury.

Following the above steps and safety precautions, you can effectively clean your air conditioner’s coils, ensuring your unit operates efficiently and prolongs its lifespan. This maintenance task is satisfying and a smart way to save on energy bills and costly repairs down the line.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use a coil cleaner on other parts of the air conditioner?

Using the coil cleaner only on the coils is advisable as other parts may have different material properties that could react negatively with the cleaner.

How often should I clean my AC coils?

The frequency of cleaning depends on the usage and the environment. However, it’s good practice to clean the coils at least once a year, preferably before the start of the summer season.

Can a dirty coil damage my air conditioner?

Yes, a dirty coil can impede the heat transfer, causing the unit to work harder, leading to increased wear and tear and potentially a shorter lifespan for your AC unit.


Maintaining your air conditioner is imperative for its efficient operation and longevity. Investing in a good quality air conditioner coil cleaner is a small price to pay for the benefits you’ll reap in the long run. Among the top picks for 2023, Nu-Coil Air Conditioner Condenser Coil Cleaner and Nu-Calgon Evaporator Power stand out for their effectiveness, ease of use, and positive user reviews.

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Mas Broto

Have been in the heating and air conditioning (HVAC) industry for over 20 years. He is person that will grow and thrive to learn more about the HVAC industry throughout his career. Mas Broto is also a blogger, who's dedicated to bringing you the best knowledge to get ahead in the game of life.

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